3 Effective Time Management Tips For Staff

Hey everybody! This is your Coach, Andrea Dickerson here with IOwnADaycare.com. Today I want to talk to childcare business owners about helping your teachers, staff, and administration team to work together towards time management skills. I also want to talk to you about how you can motivate and inspire your team to keep moving forward.

When it comes to motivating and inspiring your team to work with you during this type of pandemic, you want to give them the tools to help them succeed.

One of the tools I know I need to help me with my team is the right environment and an environment that is setup for training.  Even though this is not a tool that they could use, it is definitely a tool that you want to consider.

How many of you have post your staff training meetings and you have your team sitting in the little preschool chairs and tables and you are wanting to host an effective game-changing meeting? It is literally impossible for you to think big, train your team to do big business, train your team on how to grow your company on how to be a massive successful location, but yet the environment you have them in is not conducive to their physical bodies. Some teachers will sit down in the chair, take their notes, but it is uncomfortable for them.

Number 1 Empower Your Team By Putting Them In The Right Environment

Empower your team by putting them in the right environment that encourages growth and encourages them to know that they are being put in the position of a professional. What does that mean?

That means it is time to invest in technology where you can utilize a smart board or smart tv and you can present presentations. It’s time for you to start using graphics, images, and PowerPoint presentations. It’s time for you to start using online platforms so that you can conduct your trainings virtually if necessary.

It’s time for you to shift from everyone meeting up in your preschool classroom and sitting to those smaller table to literally having an environment that is conducive for training. This is the number one way to help you in your business. For them to say, “Hey. I’m with you 100% of the way. We are running this as a business.”

Number 2 Give Them Time Management Material

One of the things I love doing in my childcare business is utilizing my Staff Quarterly Agenda. My Staff Quarterly Agenda includes our calendars, note keeping section, time keeping section, curriculum layout, their program learning domains, our program goals, and our program expectations. Whenever I am having a meeting, it includes a lot of content that they can go to and write those things down.

Of course, this is an authentic proprietary tool that I created for my program, but you can create your own if you would like or you can get your free download when you sign up for the Reload and Reset 2020 Teacher Training. Go to www.ReloadandReset2020.com and those of you who sign up will gain access to this free download.

With this training platform, it empowers my team members to take notes, have the right tools, and I train them to not only use this tool for their childcare classrooms but to also use it for their life. When it comes to time management, you must empower them to help them comprehend and understand how to get things done.

Here Is Another Time Management Tool

Support one of your teachers with a dinner for their whole family where they could leave the childcare business feeling like they have relief.

So many childcare teachers are female so when they go home, they still have to get the kids ready for bed, washed up, and get dinner done. I believe with so many time consuming activities that teachers have to go through whether they are at school or home, that if you were to offer a benefit where you may have dinner prepared for them to take home, feed their children, and still be able to get rest for the next business day, that you will be able to see a complete turnaround in their personality and/or mindset. I believe this will encourage your team to know we are in this together and that it is not just about my business but it’s about impact.

Bonus Tip

Give your staff reading material that will cause them to think more like leaders. Right now with our Reload and Reset 2020 conference, we will be speaking on a topic from Dave Ramsey’s book, EntreLeadership. I have my team reading it and I want to encourage you to have your team read it as well. We will be sharing content from this amazing book. It is where we take the average person with goals and dreams and show them how to become an achiever and a leader. Someone who thinks like a leader and operates in leadership skills all in one.

This is going to help you shift your business to the next level and help motivate your team. I hope that this blog has encouraged and motivated you to think differently about encouraging and motivating your team during challenging times like these.

Remember, go to www.ReloadandReset2020.com to get a free downloadable Quarter Agenda when you purchase our Reload and Reset 2020 Teacher Training Conference.

Like I always say, if you manage the childcare business you love, then you will love the childcare business you manage.