3 Steps For Creating Your Childcare Specific Goals For The Full Year

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One thing I’ve noticed in the childcare industry is when you don’t create a vision board that’s attractive, exciting, meaningful and aligned with your goals, you tend to never reference it or stick with your original plan until it is accomplished.

For instance, your vision boards are vital to your success because it is the physical image of what you see in your mind that causes you to believe it can happen for you in reality. The key to starting your year out right is to create a list of BIG Goals.

I use my goal accelerator to help me write the vision of my BIG yearly goals. My big goals consist of what I choose to believe and what I find to be true for me in my childcare business.

To begin this process follow my steps for yearly goal planning:

  1. Use Images That Are Of You Attracting New Parents, Funding and Opportunities.

Find images that are cause you to desire the next level for your childcare business. What you look at everyday will determine the choices you make. Grab several magazines of happy parents, moms, dads, two parent homes, happy smiling children. Also grab magazines that show your business potential like new playground equipment, classroom set up, heart desired materials, coveted curriculum and the best organized office space that a childcare facility can have.

2. Vision Boards Stretch You To Stretch Your Faith-Get Rid of Fear

Fear distorts and distracts but planning causes you to prevail your vision towards the next level. Writing goals that push you out of your comfort zone will push you towards accomplishing so much more! Just remember to dare yourself to remain focused on following habits that lead to success.

3. Examine your own beliefs and prepare a plan to overcome any obstacle that’s in your way of achievement.

Your vision board must act as a visual clue of what’s next for your childcare business. However vision boarding alone isn’t the “do it all pill”. Add to your vision boarding process by purchasing supporting tools. I use the Goal Accelerator to help me map out smaller bit size goals to achieve weekly that will help me reach my ultimate goal.

The Goal Accelerator helps you grow every area of your childcare business. It includes staffing, office, business management, financial planning and marketing planning. These are the quadrants that you’ll need to plan in your business throughout the year.

The final step is to take the leap and PLAN IT BIG! To begin your planning process:

  1. Grab loads of magazines for pictures of the following:
    1. Business Environments
    2. Happy Staff
    3. Enrollment Number
    4. Target Market Focus
    5. Business Clothes, Shoes, and Images
  2. Purchase Your Goal Accelerator Every Month- Monthly disciplines to achieve your goals are key to the vision boarding process.
  3. Visit the local dollar store and gather supplies such as:
    1. Boards
    2. Glue
    3. Glitter Foam Sheets
    4. Tape
    5. Markers
  4.  Be willing to post your vision board in a visible area where you are excited to view your future and  daily desires.

I know you can do this and you can make next year your best year yet!

Start now and Plan NOW!  Choose to do something different than you ever have before. I look forward to seeing your vision board and big goals! Leave a comment below if you enjoyed today’s blog post.

I would love to hear from you!