Enrollment Building Strategies

Are you feeling weary because you are spinning your wheels doing the same things over and over again but not seeing any results? Do you feel as if you know you have a gift of working with children but getting the words out about who you are and what you do is difficult? Do you struggle with getting your parents and surroundings neighborhood parents to see that you’re more than just a babysitter? Do you feel like you have a gift and talent but you’re in the wrong area and the people around you just don’t seem to get it?

If this is you, in today’s coaching lesson I’m going to teach you some enrollment building fast track systems that has caused me to overcome each and every hurdle that I’ve just mentioned for today’s blog post. I believe that you can do anything that you put your mind to, and I also believe that location does matter. I want you to  discover how to put your mind to what you want to achieve.

The first step to achieving anything in your childcare business and to fast track your success is to set enrollment quarterly goals.

You may have an enrollment quarterly goal to increase your enrollment, maintain your enrollment, or multiply your enrollment. Whatever stage you find yourself:

  • Increase ( Bring In 1-5 Children To Be Full)
  • Maintain (Keep My Current Clients)


  • Multiply (Fill My Center By 20-30 Children)

Having a goal for your stage of business must be a part of your quarterly goal system to experience enrollment success. You can use the goal accelerator, and it will cause you to set weekly goals for your enrollment, which causes a fast track.

Literally writing down your goals will cause children to come through the door, and you literally can’t explain how they found out about you unless you ask.

Being A Childcare Boss Requires Planning

The second step is to never turn away anyone that’s a good prospect, provide an introductory rate! 

To be able to have this system at play in your business,  listen to parents while you talk so that you can clue in on what they need and capture their information.

If you are in the growing stages and you’re looking to give your team member the duties of capturing parent information by never turning anyone away, be sure to groom your staff with scripts and data that will help them instead of being basic. If you’re ready to multiply and you want to make sure nobody’s being turned away, upgrade your telephone systems to the point where they can press buttons on the phone for enrollment or they can press option two to speak with someone in the office. That way you’ll have a system to track how many people want to have enrollment with you.

Step three, improve your marketing systems.

Many times people who don’t use systems lose systems. You may have come across a situation in your business where you noticed that you had to put a system in place. You put the system in place, but you never followed through or your staff just doesn’t use the system.

I want you to go back and fast track the current enrollment systems that you have. Maybe you are doing something that’s right in your business, and you just haven’t gone back and reviewed what those systems are.

Go back and make sure that your systems are working and that they are generating the results that you want to see in your business. Be sure to monitor what you expect staff to complete and you stay committed completing those systems.

We’re going to dive deeper into my 16 step blueprint system that I use in order to market my business systematically that will cause clients to come in every single day. I want to see you in LosAngeles, California so I can get this 16 step blueprint system in your hands. It’s going to be absolutely free with your ticket to the Jumpstart My Childcare Tour. It’s a value of $397 that you’re getting absolutely free, and I can’t wait to see you there. Be sure to go to www.JumpstartMyChildcare.com