Managing Childcare Directors and Yourself

For today’s proven management solution, I want to talk to childcare business owners about creating a task management system so that you can manage multiple childcare locations and improve the productivity of your admin team. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, be sure to read this blog.

I want to share with you my story and then why I created three major supporting tools to help me better manage my admin team in multiple locations. So in the beginning of me managing my childcare business, I knew nothing about admin meetings, and I was really focused on my classroom. So I didn’t know much about leading a team of admin program directors, center directors, and front desk personnel. I knew nothing about that. 

And then over time, I began to remove myself from the day-to-day operations, and when I removed myself from the day-to-day operations, I had to ensure consistency, and I had to ensure quality. So what happened was I started missing major conversations with my team. There were times when I didn’t know a student was enrolled or people were working on the clock later than they should have, or I just had so many little bitty things that could have been prevented if I had the proper tools in place to guide me so that I could guide my team. And this is why I stand behind my brand of IOwnADaycare because we connect childcare business owners to proven management solutions, and these proven solutions came from me making errors and or evolving as a CEO. 

When I started evolving more as a CEO, I realized that I needed to put tools in place to guide me as their CEO and to guide them with accountability. 

So let’s go behind the scenes, and let me show you what I created. 

Create A Management Planning Layout 

The first one I think I created was a management planning outline. My management planning outline was critical to my success. 

While working with my directors I would just ask questions like, “What’s going on? What’s happening? I would ask questions  about the bottom line, like who paid, who didn’t pay.” 

But then when it came to her being able to execute, beyond my questions, there was very little in communication.

 And then I realized that I had expectations for her, but I never set up her daily task systems to support those expectations. So then that’s when I had this aha moment, and I created a management planning system. I put my management planning system into a kit called the Jumpstart Daily Business Booster. You can find out more about it by heading over to our Childcare Boss Shop.

So when I created this kit, what it did for me was it allowed me to have a flow for my director/team meetings. So if you haven’t created a flow for when you meet with your leaders to ensure that you review the most important topics of the day or the week or whatever’s happening in your program. However, often you meet with your people, you want to implement that, or if you want to save yourself time, you’re going to get the all-in-one kit that includes all of my management processes for my multiple locations by heading over to our shop and grab the Jumpstart Daily Business Booster. 

Create Your CEO Management Tool 

The next one is it started out as a management tool to help me manage my team. So by this time, I’m better at management. I have about four admin team members, so that means center directors. That means someone working in my corporate office, one-on-one with me to make sure that everything gets out to my corporation. That means I’m working with someone over my nanny agency, someone over my childcare center, someone over my after-school program, someone over all of the pieces of my childcare life, right? So then I realized that I needed to implement a structure for them like this planning tool was a great structure for me and for me to properly delegate, but then they needed a tool. So this is when I came up with my awesome notepad. So my notepad allows me to give them top 3 tasks that we want to make sure gets done in that week.

Managing your business is work

It’s a piece of work, so you don’t take that lightly. So now I’m going to explain to you why you need this planner. Well, first of all, it’s the only planner of this type in the world, because it’s a success planner that’s geared towards empowering you to plan up to four consecutive weeks in your company. And once you’ve planned those four weeks, you take and you store this. 

So, every year you don’t have to recreate the wheel, you just pull

your four-week planner and recreate you know like just go back to what you did. Journal about what you did and execute it with your team. 

Thank you so much for joining me for this week’s Work It Wednesday and your training video, where I want to encourage you to:

  1.  Organize yourself so that you can organize your multiple locations.
  2. Using tools is the best way for you to accomplish managing high-level, high-performance teams. And one thing I believe is what is written is what matters. 

So put your systems in place. Create tools to support your systems. And if you’d like to use the tools that were already created from a multi site owner who is a high achiever? That’s me! Then head over to our Childcare Boss Shop and grab your tools today. 

And as always, remember, if you manage the childcare business that you love, you will love the childcare business that you manage.