Working With Your Spouse Takes Some Getting Use To


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I  am really excited today about the Husband/Wife Partnership Coaching Program that has just hit the market. The response was so heartfelt until I forgot to give an official welcome. I created a video to introduce you to TEAM DAYCARE SUCCESS! In this video we will give you tips to working with your spouse in your childcare business.

Some of the challenges that you face in your childcare business is due to LACK of COMMUNICATION. Communication is the key for your success. Kamau and I love and enjoy our childcare business but there were days when I felt like QUITTING! Or Firing HIM! LOLLOLOLOLOLO

It is funny now but to look back on how far we have come is an amazing accomplishment. But the best part about our childcare business partnership is that we can now help other childcare business owners to know and understand their roles in their childcare business. So we are not giving you something we heard or read…but we are giving you what works from our experience!

Here is the assignment worksheet. Click Here! Let us know all about your success!