3 Ways To Be Obedient To The Higher Calling Of God That’s In Your Life Concerning Your Childcare Business

For today’s proven management solution I want to talk to childcare business owners and give you 3 Ways That You Can Be Obedient To The True Call Of God That’s In Your Life Concerning Your Childcare Business. 

So if you’ve been feeling stuck like you can’t get to it, you can’t make it happen, you can’t get it then you cannot operate on the level God has for you. Be sure to read this blog.

In the meantime, I would also love to invite you to our upcoming VIP Days this August. I’m going to teach you the system for admin office systems for directors and also how to create your own hiring station, creating a system for school agers, creating your style guide for your front area and bathroom, infant room processes, procedures and setup. Plus, I’ll teach the preschool role processes systems and set up. And I believe that your student area no matter where they are located must be nice.

I cannot wait for you to become a part of our all new VIP program that is going to be a game changer for childcare business owners like you who are seeking ways to really be obedient to God’s plan for their life but you’re stuck in your classrooms.

Are you stuck doing what you have to do for your business? Be sure to find out more about a VIP program. It’s an investment, but it’s for those of you just ready to show up and go up to the next level.

All right! Let’s dive into it. Thank you all so much for allowing me to express my Christian faith and principles with you all. I talk a lot about God but now I’m about to really go deep because I’m creating this video for those of you who are believers and believe that God has called you to something bigger and greater than where you are, but you’re struggling with following through with the plan or with the vision that God has showed you many of you struggle because you don’t have all of the pieces to the puzzle to give you the answers you need to motivate you and inspire you to get going and to make the sacrifices to go against all odds and to focus and not allow distractions to get you off track. 

And so when you start wanting for all the pieces of the puzzle to be presented to you, it prevents you from walking by faith. 

And as a believer, we know that the scripture says that without faith, it is impossible to please God but let me tell you what I’ve learned about how it really operates, especially in the life of an entrepreneur. He gives you a glimpse of what He wants you to do and what’s possible for you and it’s just that it doesn’t include all of the setbacks, the test, the trials and tribulations that you will face. 

But we also know that by faith, many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord shall deliver him out of them all. And many of us will see the good hands of the Lord among us if we would just remove distractions and walk by faith. 

So with that being said, you will never get the full picture if you don’t be obedient to step one. So hopefully my tips today will help you be obedient so that you can move forward in the direction that God has assigned for you. I am on a mission to help owners like yourself. Get free so that you can move forward the way God has called you to. 

Now of course you’re going to need the proper framework. But I believe that I can teach that framework to you in 3 days because of the model that God has specifically given to me. He’s given me a model that you can walk through, touch, put your hands on, and spin three explosive days with me and I can train you on the framework both in person and online. This means I’m going to give you documents that are online for you to further use as you enjoy the three days with me and when you leave your half follow-up discussion and topic today for your training. 

I want to talk to you about three ways so that you can get to where you need to be.

  1. You must be willing to shift from where you are to a different environment for a period of time.

Many of you are distracted. I don’t have to know you. I don’t have to be in your childcare business but I know that you are distracted. You are distracted by working in your classrooms or working in your business to make sure that your business survives. And I’ve come to tell you that you know just like I know that you have to surrender that childcare business over to God and you have to submit to a new framework a new plan in order for you to truly get out of operating in your business so that God can take you to the next level. 

Going to the next level will not happen if you’re in the midst of something. You have to be able to step away so that you can work on it by taking it to the next level. Playing what you need on the inside of you, writing out that book, getting that manual typed up, walking into the networking event,going through doors walking through doors that God has assigned you to now operate.

But you know just like I know that you have to start moving differently. You cannot stay where you are expecting for the change that God has shown you to happen. You must move by faith so you have to shift your environment because there’s this saying, “Those who show up go up”. And so you have to start showing up with the information that you need will empower you to get it done.

So I talked about this earlier there are so many owners who have already received downloads from God telling them exactly what He wants for you to do. He’s giving you an itty-bitty win, but because He didn’t give you all of the 

middle and all of the answers, you’re stuck by not being obedient, so you have to shift your mindset by getting into environments where the information that’s missing is provided.

Because one thing I learned is that in order for you to manifest, you need a model. You need a model of someone who has done what you are seeking to pour into your life so that you can manifest what it is that you believe in God for.

2. Not only do you need to change environments, but you must seek out a new way of management. 

If you continue to do the same things that you’ve always done, you’re going to get the same results. So in childcare, another term for management is a framework, your framework, or your guidelines that you follow in order to achieve a systemized operation.

But if you’re managing your business without following the proper framework that will help you achieve a systemized operation, then you are stopping yourself from being obedient. So now, you might be saying, “Coach, I don’t have a problem with how I manage my business.”

Well, if you are in your business every day, the problem is missing systems. And then if you put systems in place, but you haven’t released your hands from them so that you can prove your systems, and allow your system to evolve then you are hindering your own growth. Because systems aren’t just something that you set and forget and walk away. You know, the childcare boss only operates in the childcare business. You may not be in the business, but your mind has to be on the business. So if you haven’t taken time to perfect your system, improve your system or even prove your system, then you’re missing the framework. 

See in the School Of Systems, I give my students a framework for their systems. There are four steps that you have to follow in order to prove that the systems you have will lend you the freedom that you desire. And so that means you’re missing information. So when I tell you that there’s a VIP class, you might want to make sure that you show up because this VIP class is going to give you the information about the framework so that you can better manage your childcare program. 

All right, so here’s another tip. It’s a hard one but I wouldn’t be your coach if I waited and tell you the truth. 

3. You must learn to be obedient. Do you know that’s your biggest struggle? That’s why you don’t have the staff you really need because you’re operating in disobedience. I’ve been there. I’ve been where I’ve heard the Spirit of the Lord tell me to go make certain connections. I’ve heard what the Spirit Lord told me to make certain business models, but because I wasn’t obedient, I didn’t have enough energy. I didn’t have the faith. I didn’t have confidence. I didn’t push myself to show up. I allow distractions to stop me. I operated in disobedience for several years until the day came when I finally fell on my face and I said, “Okay, God, what do you want me to do?” And that’s when I became free to really focus on what God wanted me to do. 

So with that being said, mostly your disobedience, and I’m sorry I have to use this term but I want to be completely honest, that most of the disobedience comes from your habits. Many of you have habits that have not been broken and you haven’t replaced them with the proper habits that lead you towards the type of freedom that you truly desire. So that means that if you’re not in an environment where habit discussions are being made, topics about changing your routine, improving your routine, staying consistent and being diligent.

You know, in the book of Romans, it talks about being diligent, that’s something that you must strive to do is to be diligent. There’s another scripture that says that “Race is not given to the slew nor to the strong, but to those who endure to the end.”

So you need some stick with the power. When God gives you a vision. You got to stick with it. When He tells you how to manage your business. You got to stick with it. When He tells you it’s time to hire more people, you got to keep going until you hire more people. When He tells you it’s time to let people go, you got to let them go. Why? Because our life is not our own. We belong to God. We’re just here as managers as stewards over what he’s given us. And He has given us the capabilities to rein in the dominions of childcare.

So now that you understand that I’m talking to you from a spiritual perspective, I want to give you a business proposition. I’m going to be hosting a 3-day VIP event. Only because I felt led to do it. I felt that it was now time for me to host a VIP day where there were only six spots available. 

So if that spot belongs to you, no matter the cost, no matter the price, you definitely want to jump on it. Now of course there’s some investment because all of your accommodations are taken care of: Your room and board, your meals, your snacks. And you’re training three days with me in the training center and then a spiritual impartation day, so four days together.  There is a minimum investment, but I’m telling you it is so worth it.

So now you can click the link below and find out about the opportunity or click this link and book a discovery call and we will give you more information about our VIP day. 

All spaces will be filled for the month of August 2023. So if you’re watching this now, the event is going to take place in August 2023. If you’re watching it after August 2023 I’m sure prices in the accommodations will have changed by then. 

All right, let me know if these three tips helped you with having clarity about what to do to really pursue God’s plan for your life.