10 Ways To Use The Calendar Childcare Boss Style, Childcare Edition

Hey, there, Childcare Boss! This is your coach, Andrea Dickerson. Are you new to the planning industry and your really want to get it right, but when you sit down to create your calendar, you have no clue about the things that you should be planning for?

If so, this blog is going to help empower and motivate you to succeed.

I want to talk to childcare business owners today about essential foundational activities that we must plan for in our childcare business and be sure to add it to our calendar. I’m going to go through a list of about 10 things that you should begin to plan for on your calendar to help you plan each month successfully and thoroughly to have a great, organized calendar.

If you have not purchased the all-new productivity set that has the desk planner, where you discover how to jump start your month with your erasable monthly calendar, I want you to click here.

Your erasable monthly calendar will allow you to write your plan for your month on your calendar, set it on your desk, and let it be your go-to place for you to have your month-at-a-glance. Not only will you be able to erase this calendar, but you can use several Expo highlighters and erasers to avoid feeling as if you can’t keep your month going and track your changes all at the same time.



In the Jumpstart Daily Business Booster, I also include a comprehensive list of things that you should plan for that will lead to you being even more successful in your monthly planning.

Here are my top secrets to planning your calendar and what should be included on your calendar.

Calendar secret #1: Always include a theme for your calendar.

It really helps childcare business owners to have a monthly focus and a monthly theme for what it’s about that they’re theming their month around. For me, January is the new year, new clients, new staff, new year, new students, new opportunities, so you would label your January calendar, “Bringing in the New.”

Furthermore you’ll begin to notice that your business communities and more will begin discussing topics such as bringing in the new season as well, so it will keep you pumped and motivated to see the theme of a new you, a new business, a new team, a new client, newness coming to you in your business.

Calendar secret #2: Use your monthly planner as a way for you to quickly glance and know what your focus is for the week.

For me, I like to use red Sharpies, blue Sharpies, and green Sharpies for me to highlight my week in such a way where I can at-a-glance see this is what blue stands for; this is what red stands for; this is what green stands for.

I will then go highlight and create my own ledger for what I’m focusing in on that week, with that ledger to remind me of what blue means, what red means, and what green means.


Calendar secret #3:I enjoy utilizing stickers.

Stickers help me get excited about what my week will consist of. It also makes planning easier, and it makes me more attracted to my calendar. Let’s go into the task that you should plan or your calendar must-haves that you should plan for in your business.

So Here’s Your List:

  • 1. You should always plan for money-making activities
  • 2. Inspiration and self-care
  • 3. Curriculum and lesson planning
  • 4.Staff and teacher meetings and trainings
  • 5.Classroom work that needs to be completed,
  • 6. Your office work that should be completed
  • 7. Time for planning, your planning time, food and menu tasks
  • 8. Bill Review and when you’re paying your bills
  • 9.Business meetings
  • 10. Marketing tasks.

When you begin to plan like this, it causes you to have triggers for adding the appropriate activity to your calendar.

Typically, many childcare business owners don’t follow a calendar, don’t follow a system, and don’t have the idea or mindset as to what to plan for.

My role as your coach is to help you get beyond being typical and into being a great success. Our theme for the month of December and January is to be productive. In order for you to be productive, you must plan your monthly calendar with these ideas and tasks in mind. I want to encourage you to check out the productivity set. It’s one of my most comprehensive, easy-to-use tools that I’ve created to help childcare business owners check, write, and pop it off. I want for you to learn how to check, write, and pop off what you need in order to help you succeed.

Go now to www.andreasjumpstartstrategy.com and get the all-new daily productivity set. You’ll be so glad you did.