Most child care center owners’ FIRST RESPONSIBILITY is to maintain their classroom ratios.
As a center owner, it’s a challenge within itself for maintaining 20 or more staff, which is a typical size for an organization that cares for 150+ students.
So many childcare center owners are finding it to be hard times to manage and overcome the shortage of staff.
The shortage of staff is existing because staff or people who qualify to work in the childcare industry are no longer interested in working with children. Or if you find staff, those staff members find it hard to handle the behavior or the work that comes along with being a childcare worker.
With this particular plague, it leads to consistent shortages and owners being frustrated for not having enough people. As a prior childcare owner, I’d like to be honest with you and talk to you about the power of keeping up with staff and your hiring responsibilities.
Although I understand it’s a lot to do in owning a childcare, don’t underestimate the power of having online systems working for you in the back office.
To get started with having online systems, understand that hiring takes a lot of work. And the pre-hiring process is where you must begin.
The pre-hiring process includes adequate time to strategize your job announcement. And job announcements are created for each of the roles that you have that you could possibly hire for. And these announcements are created as a sales page to sell the idea of how becoming a part of your team is the person’s best decision they could ever make.
Next, after creating a job announcement, you want to create your job ads. These job ads are typically used on social media, newspapers, job posting sites, and more. These ads also contain sales copy that attracts your ideal staff to pay attention to what makes your organization different and what they will receive from working with you. These job ads can be placed on social media platforms and as well as backed with marketing dollars.
These marketing dollars are created for you to have your ads reach more people. If you also are interested in offline marketing, your job ads are placed with job placement outlets, these outlets may be your local college, your local Department of Labor, your local newspaper, or magazine articles on job posting sites. Although there are several ways of posting jobs, this is just to name a few.
I want you to understand that there is a mindset that you must recognize. Most employers expect potential new hires to find them and potential new hires expect for employers to find them. And both of these statements are true.
So when it comes to using traditional job ad placement agencies, job announcements, and preferably job ads or social media. These outlets need systems that lead the applicant to you which you expect and your job should speak directly to the applicant which causes them to feel as if you’ve found them.
To begin, it’s so important that you use basic marketing wisdom. When I started learning how to market the first step I was taught was defining your ideal avatar. Your avatar would be defining the staff that you want to create your job announcements, and job ads for when creating this avatar and allows you to find the potential hire and them to recognize that this is the job they’ve been wanting.
Once you’ve done the top-heavy process, which we just mentioned, this requires loads of brainstorming, loads of thinking outside of the box, and marketing skills.
The next step is to work through your job flow or job funnels. Let’s take the Bright Horizon website for example. When you log on to their website, you will see that their website includes online systems. These online systems lead the individuals through a funnel process. This funnel and flow process is where many of you miss this opportunity because you’re not aware of online systems, nor are you aware of strategizing your flow and funnel to get started.
Your marketing strategy and your job flow and the funnel will require thought and strategy. This strategy will include your avatar, your events, your marketing, day, dates, period of time, and places you will go to market your company.
When you go to Bright Horizons you will take note that clicking a button will quickly lead you into an online system process. This online system process is done for proper tracking and to deliver to the person exactly what they’re looking for. While you’re looking at that, pay close attention to their call to action.
The first strategy that’s on their site is where people can view their benefits. This leads me to understand that Bright Horizons believes in attracting people who fit their ideal avatar. Their avatar are the ones who are attracted to the benefits that they offer. So when you look on their page, their page includes information about ‘click here for benefits’. That is a way to attract their avatar and to quickly cause people to apply.
Picture This Scenario:
Once a person sees your job ad or job announcements and your job placement with the proper call to action, you can lead them to your website by saying find out more at www.YourWebsiteForStaff.com
Your website will then speak about what your avatar truly desires when working for a childcare program. That person once attracted to the offer will click your button. Your button is now leading them down your online system.
Your back office online systems are triggered when they click the assigned button and your online system should gather proper information for your database so that you can use their contact information for nurturing and it should allow that person to do business with you in less than two minutes online.
HINT: When that person decides to submit or apply, it should take no more than two minutes, and it should then enter your online systems.
There’s so much more that we are going to discuss in my upcoming training called Online Systems and Automations.
Stay tuned to hear when the doors are going to open as we want to ensure that you are building your business with online systems that cause you to attract your next staff members.
If you DID go online and research their site, be sure to send me an email at info@iownadaycare.com to tell me, “Coach I’ve got this done so that I can be sure to move you on to the next step.”
Until next time, and remember if you manage the childcare business that you love, you will love the childcare business that you manage.
You can start by finding out the systems that you need in your childcare, for FREE!
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