Need Help Speeding Up Your Team’s Orientation and Training?
Today’s proven management solution is a biblical principle that I have begun to use in my business.
Implementing this game-changing biblical strategy for me and my teachers was a business saver!
If you’re interested in finding out what I did and what scriptures I used, be sure to continue reading this blog.
There’s a scripture in the Bible that says, “Thou shalt meditate on this word both night and day so that you can have good success.” Joshua 1:8.
I remember when I started my business, I went through like 52 staff members in a year’s time and I wasn’t really clear about staff meetings, staff training, and staff orientation.
I went from zero to full enrollment in less than 90 days. So all of that was new for me. But the management, framework, and systems were something that I didn’t have in place at the time.
Joshua 1:8 says, if you meditate on my work both night and day, you’re gonna have good success.
While praying, I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal what the problem was. I heard in my heart this small question, “What are you training your team to do? Do they know your values? Do they know your policies, processes and procedures? Now you will probably be able to relate to my next truth.
When my childcare business started growing fast, I couldn’t keep up.
To train people right a way initially, I hired my first set of team members, there were no children, the business wasn’t open and training was easy and simple.
But once we opened our childcare, I didn’t have the time to sit and train a person step by step, page by page as I did in the first group.
To adapt to losing staff and ratio demands, I had to keep people coming in because the turnover became unmanageable.
That’s when I started realizing, “Man, how am I going to turn this team over, but yet still be able to run my business and not miss a beat?”
And so then I started praying some more and that’s when the Scripture just kept resonating with me like, you have to meditate on this word both night and day.
It took me some years, but I finally had this aha moment.
So that’s when Joshua 1:8 became real to me.
I have to provide my team with content, training, and material plus tools that will cause them to flow through repetition. Once they flow with repetition, they learn it. When they learn it, now that’s when it becomes a part of their daily life. Now, repetition and meditation sort of go hand in hand together. Now that’s my definition and let me tell you why.
Once you meditate on the Word, you get quiet, you calm down, and you let the wrong thoughts go out so that you can meditate on the good thoughts. All you’re doing is reaffirming back to yourself over and over again. The goodness of the Lord and what He has done for you. His Scriptures and Word, and what they mean to you.
Now, you’re doing the same thing in your classrooms. You’re giving your SOPs, systems, and tools that will constantly remind them of how things go on your program, how you want things done, where things go, how things are organized, and how your
classrooms are managed. And what I did was I created a central location, which is called My Jumpstart Bin so everything from classroom curriculum, classroom management, the employment processes and systems and procedures, how I want my classroom set up, curriculum, my sign in and sign out sheets, rosters, attendance records, teacher daily forms – all of that are in the Jumpstart Bin so now I’m turning over my team to handle my ratios. And not just that, but I’m also maintaining excellence because I’m giving them information by repetition. And now this information is something they can meditate on.
And during that first 90 days, we went over the vision constantly and had the vision written up throughout my whole facility.
So wherever they go in my center, they see it. Plus, in every meeting, they have to quote the vision. The reason why is that if they meditate on my processes and systems, if I have written it for them if I’ve given them the tools, now they can have good success. So that’s the Biblical scripture that really changed the game for me. And this is why I believe that using Biblical Scriptures to help you in your time of trouble in your business is the key to a breakthrough.
I also know that some things are not practical, but they are spiritual. There are spiritual laws to business that we must follow. And when we don’t follow them. That is what makes it hard for us to get to that place of breakthrough. Because you sense it you feel it. You know that something is holding you back from where you’re supposed to be if you ever felt that, that is spiritual. So now the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of those strongholds. So that’s when you take God’s Biblical principles for success.
Apply them to your life, so that you can now have Biblical principles that cause you to have a spiritual breakthrough.
You can start by finding out the systems that you need in your childcare, for FREE!
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