First Steps To Organizing Your Childcare

One of the most important foundational systems that you must start with is a yearly operational calendar. Your yearly calendar should outline your step-by-step events, tasks, and opportunities.

As a matter of fact, I give my clients a complete master calendar task list. This master calendar task list is something that I went through line by line and created in order for me to know what, when, where and why I needed to do certain tasks in my business. 

By having this type of yearly calendar, I know when my staff meetings are, when vacation times begin, when enrollment and registration time begins etc.

So all of my sites pretty much run off with this yearly calendar. 

Then, the next calendar that is essential to your growth is the academic calendar. Now I don’t take this academic calendar lightly. 

As a matter of fact, let me tell you why you shouldn’t take it lightly. See, we are a part of an industry and our industry is known for education. So any college, university, or private school organization that is a part of the educational system, all have an academic calendar. Just try to take a look at your local college or university. All of them have a tab that says academic calendar. Now the reason why I’m bringing it to light is because many of you operate like a school. Many of you are known for your school-like characteristics. So the academic calendar is only befitting for your organization.

The value of this academic calendar is a game changer. 

Your academic calendar is a 14-month calendar. Unlike your traditional yearly calendar. This 14-month calendar is based off of a semester system. So it’s for the educational purposes of your organization.

 Now, you can do your research online, and you probably won’t find anything concerning academic calendars for the childcare industry. But let me clue you in. 

Here are a few things you need to have on your academic calendar. 

  1. You should have on your academic calendar when newsletters from your organization are dispersed, when they are created, when your field trips are played, when they are executed. When your semester begins and ends, report cards, assessments, developmental milestones when they start, stop, and in will stop it. And it’s the same thing. 
  2. You should also have on your academic calendar, your opening dates, closing dates, your spring break, summer break, winter break, etc. I mean, I could go through a whole list. However, your academic calendar is used as a way for your teachers to know that you run based on the school system, and what to expect throughout that timeframe from your curriculum and education perspective. 

Now, the reason why I’m talking to you guys about this is because those two calendars are a game changer. As a matter of fact, these calendars are essential when meeting with your staff. So never allow your staff to come to a meeting without the proper equipment, meaning they need the calendar, they need the agenda. And they also need to know what’s about to happen in the next 30 days in your organization, and an academic calendar and a yearly calendar provides that for your team.

I hope that I’ve said something today that motivates you and inspires you to think of a new way of planning your organization by using calendars. If so, leave your comments below. Let me know what you think about this information. 

And until next time, remember, if you manage the childcare business that you love, you will love the childcare business that you manage.