Implementing a system in your childcare classroom that will be more effective in completing your lesson plans and classroom management

For today’s proven management solution, I want to talk to childcare business owners about implementing a system in your childcare classroom that will be more effective when completing your lesson plans and classroom management.

I want to talk to you today about having a lesson plan daily flow.

Is a concept that came to me when I gave my teachers the layout to complete their lesson plans and also to manage their classrooms. When I started utilizing this principle, it allowed my teachers to pre-plan in advance and it gave me the assurance that my team knew how to accomplish the lesson in my classroom. 

Let me give you some context to this system so that you can understand. 

I created this lesson plan flow when working in my program because I wanted for my teachers to have accountability with their lesson plans. Now this is NOT a LESSON PLAN. It’s a FLOW. Let me take you behind the scenes by watching the video below.

Click this link and find out more about our training and how you can implement these things in your business. 

All right, until next time, remember if you manage the childcare business that you love, you will love the childcare business that you manage by you guys. 


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