Processes That Help Team Members Fall In Love With Your Childcare

For today’s proven management solution, I want to talk to childcare business owners about how to love on your staff !

I’m really excited because I love the month of February. During this time, I love to make sure that my team and those that are around me feel loved and appreciated. So I want to share with you a few strategies that I’ve used in my childcare program to help me show love and to love on my team. 

The first leadership principle. You want to be firm, fair, and full of consistency. Did you know that being consistent across the board with all team members is a definite way of showing how much you love and appreciate people? 

It’s the inconsistencies that break down communication. But when a person knows that at the core of who you are, you’re full of love, you’re firm and you’re consistent, that communicates more than anything else you’ll ever know.

Ask the staff what their love language is.

Do you know why that’s important? It’s important because you can use love language terminology in your marketing. When you understand the person that you want to attract. You want to attract people that are team-focused, team-oriented, love talking, engagement and don’t mind hugging, and don’t mind being told how much they are appreciated. Do you know that some people who don’t want you to touch them, don’t want you to say anything nice to them, they just have so much going on internally. then it’s really difficult to show them that you love them. But you can get started by asking the question, what are your love languages and how do you like to be loved?

I remember I went on the Systems To The Rescue. And now I was able to sit down and talk to her staff. And I was about 18 to 20 of them and I asked the question, “What are ways that your employer can let you know they appreciate you?” 

You know, some things were not even tangible. It was just an emotion that was shared between the owner and the team, or between the director and the team. And here are a few of them. One team member said, “I like hugs”.

So we were like, “Wow, that’s easy. We can do that.” One team member expressed that she liked to be told that she’s done something and that she’s appreciated and to be able to recognize why she’s appreciated. And I thought that was really cool. Why is it that staff members have to feel as if they’re not appreciated when they’re only asking for simple ways to show that they are appreciated? 

So be sure to ask your team members, what is it that makes them feel loved? And what is it that makes them feel appreciated? 

Offer value and community. 

It’s so important that you are intentional about providing community in your organization. Now as a CEO of multiple locations, I’m not saying that you have to be in every childcare program every month, but you want to support your childcare program with some type of community engagement and involvement that allows individuals to know that you care about them as a person and they’re not just in your classrooms and that’s all so create community, create value and create engagement. 

Provide progressive leadership. 

So when you have a progressive leadership program in your childcare company, what happens is it shows people that there’s opportunity for growth, there’s opportunity to be supportive in more than one way. And there’s an opportunity for them to be supported in more than one way to show your team that you really care about them and that you love them. Provide that leadership program so that they can opt-in to be more for your program than what you originally hired them for. 


And here’s my bonus to share with you to always provide a way of escape for your team. A way of escape can show up in the form of a crisis number or counseling, or a call that they can make to someone that doesn’t work necessarily in your program that they can speak to in confidence, but yet still gives you information that you would not have known because they may not have felt comfortable with explaining it directly to you. But you want to give them those ways of escape. So that they can feel heard. They can feel loved and appreciated. 

Well, I hope that these tips are something that you can consider using in your childcare business. If you’re looking for a business model because you don’t have strategies like this that you are relying on to operate your program then the Jumpstart My Childcare Success Conference is definitely for you. Be sure to head over to my website, www.jumpstartmychildcaresuccess.com 

And as always remember if you manage the childcare business that you love, you will love the childcare business that you manage.