Starting A Childcare and the beginning steps to creating benefits for staff

Today, I want to help you solve some of the biggest challenges that you face in your business when it comes to hiring the right team and offering them the right benefits. Now, let’s go right into the benefit process so that you can use strategy when it comes to planning out your childcare benefits.

#1 A job wage scale. 

Like many of you, I didn’t use a job wage scale, and I didn’t know what that was until I got ready to grow my business. So if you are starting or you are improving your systems and you’re preparing to grow, you’re going to need a job wage scale. 

Now, what is a job wage scale? A job wage scale is where you show your existing team members or new team members, the growth span of your company or like a growth chart. It allows them to see that you are non-biased when it comes to the benefits that your company offers and what benefits they have access to according to their tenure and their professional growth and development with your company. When I began to use a job wage scale in my organization, here are a few benefits that it did for me:

  1. It promoted initial growth. Now why is this important? Well, you know just like how I know how hard it is to have a team member get started without all of their credentials and expect for them to bring it in at a certain timeframe. So this job wage scale was a motivation for the team members to make sure that they met our guidelines when it comes to all of their initial training that was required by the State. So some States require what we call basic or minimum continuous air credit units. And for my organization, I required just a little bit more. So I could start a person out with the minimum but if they wanted to get paid top dollar for a certain position, then the job wage scale promoted their initial growth by encouraging them to go all the way through with the process.
  2. It took my personal feelings out of the equation. And it allowed me to utilize a standard for all team members to view and this standard then tells the person how much we pay within a pay range for this skill set. This particular training, these particular certifications and these particular characteristics and also their attendance. So what the job wage scale did for me was it helped me clearly define wage expectations. Because my wage expectations matched what I was looking for for their education and experience.

So this job wage scale was something that I can use as a tool. Now what I also learned was this job wage scale gave me an idea of what people were looking for when it came to employment. So let me explain to you what that means. 

#2 Deferring Others From Applying

My job wage scales sometimes defer individuals from applying. And so once I figured out that my job wage scale was deferring individuals. It gave me an opportunity to go deeper in conversation with potential new hires, by discovering what motivates them and what they felt they were worth hourly. And then by discussing what they felt they were worth hourly, I could immediately move into a professional growth and development plan, giving them the initial opportunity to get started with our company, but I also have a growth plan when getting started. 

#3 It offers a growth plan and it opens you up for discussion. So that you will be clear about what this person looks for in a job and then they’ll be clear about what you look for in an employee. Now you can find job wage scales online, some of them are absolutely free. But what we’ve done is we’ve built our job wage scale into our business model. So this is a part of our process that we use during hiring and also what we use during our review time when it’s time to review team members. We utilize this job wage scale for that. 

Now if you have not figured out how to strengthen your systems by implementing the job wage scale, and I truly suggest that you become a part of our Learn New Systems webinar by clicking here and discover more about our processes that we use to build a stronger business model that will then support the systems that’s necessary for freedom based childcare model. 

I hope I’ve taught you something today about where to begin when it comes to offering benefits in your program and it all begins with your job wage scale. And as a bonus, just to make sure that I covered everything. I want you to know that your job wage scale must contain wages, benefits, stipends,  rewards, timelines, and owners expectations.

It must be contained for each row in your company. Now, I hope that I have explained this clearly and that you are excited about reviewing your job wage scale or searching online and finding one implementing that into your business model and moving forward with making sure that each row in your company has the wages the benefits, stipends, such as childcare benefits, discounts, etc.

Whatever you offer, you want to list those things so when a person says YES to your job offer, they are clear about the benefits that come along because it’s on the job wage scale, and everybody sees it. And it’s gonna definitely help you improve your systems, in your hiring and with your team.