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Creating A Better Business Image

The first step in creating a better business image is to clarify your niche. Your niche is simply what you

Creative Strategies To Make Marketing Better

Along with having a written and active marketing strategy, it is very important to stay creative when marketing. One way

Inspired To Succeed

Are You Inspired To Succeed?

How Networking Can Boost Your Income

Did you know that you are no greater than your network? Your network is the people that you glean from.

Why Is Commitment Important To Your Cash Flow?

Hi Everyone! WHOA! It’s been 6 weeks since we last talked and I want to first apologize for the delay.

Find Your “Why” and Increase Your Enrollment

Hello To All Family Childcare Home Association Attendees! I am so excited that I had the most amazing opportunity on

Achieving Childcare Success

Many people do not set goals and then they question why they are not achieving success in their life. Here

7 Easy Strategies for Developing and Nurturing Relationships with Busy Parent

Seven Easy Strategies for Developing and Nurturing Relationships with Busy Parents It’s very easy to stay in touch with your

Finding Reliable and Devoted Parents

Are you having a hard time keeping your childcare slots filled? If so, I know the feeling. Finding ideal clients

The First Step to Working With Your Ideal Parents In a Crowded Childcare Market

[youtube=http://youtu.be/yzTYnMLLztg] Finding new parents to visit, call or enroll into your childcare program can be made easy if you take

Managing Abuse Accusations

As much as childcare business owners dislike abuse accusations, it’s a subject that we all will deal with some day

4 Reasons Why Follow Up Systems Work

One way to supercharge your customer retention and increase your enrollment is to make sure that you are always marketing.

Three Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Your Operational Manuals

Policy handbooks and procedures are the most powerful tools in your childcare business. Handbooks are powerful because they cause you

Establishing A Strong Customer-Service Policy

Providing quality customer service in your childcare program is the foundation for growing and establishing your success. Establishing a strong

Creating Acceptable Payment Arrangements For Your Daycare

In the business of childcare, we have to be very good managers of our weekly rates. I really consider childcare

Creating A Budget

To create a budget for a daycare center, you simply need to list the amounts you will spend monthly to

Coaching Your Team towards Excellence

To coach your team towards excellence is totally different from managing your staff. Coaching your staff is encouraging your staff

Establishing Procedures To Support Your Program Policies

Supporting your program policies to extend your managerial reach usually consist of creating a checklist to sequence all of the

“Create Your Own Goal Setting BluePrint” To Accomplish Your Goals In 2013

[youtube=http://youtu.be/kSM4oCp4EIA] Several of you have created a list of to-do’s that you want to accomplish but you do not have

Time Management Secrets For Childcare Business Owners

Time Management Is VITAL to Your Enrollment One of the first steps that I implement during a coaching session is