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Productivity Hack

For today’s management solution, I want to give you a productivity hack that will help you get it done in

How To Market Your Product

For today’s management solution, I want to talk to childcare business owners about How To Market Their Product Or Books

How to build a coaching business from your knowledge

For today’s proven management solutions, I want to talk to childcare business owners who are interested in starting a coaching

How To Build An Online Business From Scratch

Hello Everyone! For today’s proven management solution, I want to talk to childcare business owners about how to create an

How I Make Money while i sleep

If you don’t know, let me walk you through what happened over the past year. This year we launched our

Let’s talk about curriculum systems

Hey guys, this is Coach Dr. Andrea Dickerson with IOwnADayCare.com where we connect childcare business owners with proven management solutions.

Systems To The Rescue: Back-To-School Must-Have System

Hello everyone! This is your Coach, Dr. Andrea Dickerson with IOwnADayCare.com where we connect childcare owners with proven management solutions.

3 Big Steps to Mastering Your Hiring Cycle

It is game time, you all. As your coach, I want to motivate and inspire you to know when to

Finding New Staff With This System

Many childcare business owners come to me. The first thing they say when it comes to staffing is, “Nobody wants

6-7 Figure Hiring Tips and Suggestions You Should Use

Hey, you guys, this is your coach, Andrea Dickerson here, and welcome to my Be Amazing warehouse where I am

Back To School Strategy For Keeping Staff

When They Quit – WE HIRE! – Here’s How!!

Between starting Akeba Academy and learning from my errors in management it was 50 plus people later that I realized

Hire faithful over hype.

Are you looking to have a faithful team? If yes, keep reading. When I opened up Akeba Academy, my right-hand

Employing Good But NOT Great Teachers

I had the preschool teacher from hell.   Do you have teachers you know you need to fire during the

Mistakes We Make In Hiring.

Need Help Avoiding Mistakes With Preschool Teachers? If yes, keep reading. Please don’t make the same mistakes I’ve made. So

Need A Director? Here’s My Advice On Admin Teams

Need A Director? Here’s My Advice On Admin Teams Discover all the systems that you need to survive, grow, and

How I hired my best potty trainer teacher

Are You Having The SAME Problem With Finding Staff? I can remember when I hired my best potty training teacher,

How to have good success

Do you need help finding some direction and clarity to help you better manage your life and your business? Are

My Saturday Success

Being purposeful about your dream life Just like any woman does, I began to dream a bigger dream of my

Childcare Funnel and Automation Training and Recap.

Hey, there, childcare boss. Welcome to today’s Work It Wednesday blog post edition. In today’s Work It Wednesday blog post