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For today’s proven management solution, I want to talk to childcare business owners about how to successfully transition your new staff into your current staff culture.
For today’s proven management solution, I want to talk to childcare business owners about how to successfully transition your systems into an acquired childcare program that currently has staff in it.
For today’s proven management solution, I want to help childcare business owners complete their systems by taking the time out.
For today’s proven management solution, I want to talk to childcare business owners about one of the key principles to running a childcare business, which is creating your close out process.
For today’s proven management solutions, I want to talk to childcare business owners who are looking for ways to be
For today’s proven management solution. I want to talk to childcare business owners to describe to you how to add accountability into your program so your leadership team can follow your systems to the tee.
I’m really excited because I love the month of February. And during this time, I love to make sure that my team and those that are around me feel loved and appreciated. So I want to share with you a few strategies that I’ve used in my childcare program to help me to show love and to love on my team.
Hiring and falling in love with the hiring process is a part of what makes childcare successful not just your company, but every single childcare in the world.
Are you using holidays as a promotional strategy? There are three main components that I want you to think about
Let’s get into what you want to do and how you want to think when it comes to you accomplishing freedom in your business. So many childcare business owners are at two places right now. Either you don’t have any systems in place, or you have systems but they’re not working.
Today, I want to talk to you about how to have freedom in your business. One thing I want you to realize is there are four types of freedoms that one can want to obtain.
Today’s blog is about childcare business owners who have missing systems and you’re frustrated, your director is overwhelmed, overworked and quite frankly, it’s impacting your enrollment. Now, if this sounds like something you’d like to find out more about, be sure to read this blog.
Today, I’m going to be talking about financial management in your business.
Today, I’m going to give you an example of how to handle your payments in your childcare business, how to handle your contracts, how to ask parents to come into the office, sit down and go over your payment contract with them.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4qGnPesgg4 Can you take five weeks and change the game in your business?” Here’s My Story: I remember when I
Do You Need To Create 6 Figures or More In Your Business?
Have you completed auditing your childcare business to prepare for the next year?
If Not, This IS For YOU!
How to review your goals to ensure that you are keeping the right key performance indicators to take your business to the next level.
Today I want to talk to you about making sure that you have the right key performance indicators in your business.
One of the biggest challenges that many of you as childcare business owners face is that you haven’t systemized your office, your office equipment, or your office standards.
Without having the right office material and office equipment, you’re hindering your program from being able to produce the desired results that you’re looking for.
Another area that many of you as childcare owners are missing is that you don’t give instruction, clarity, and wisdom on how to use what you do have.
Today’s proven management solution is to help childcare business owners make sure they have the right branding components to increase their enrollment.
So let’s get started!
The first is goodie bags.
So this is our branding experience here in the School of Systems.